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Last Night's Confession
Duo had little need to sleep. Yet he still tried to. In the night that was young and constantly under a gleaming moon, he spent the hours staring into the ceiling.
The Backstreets had the rule about not visiting resedential areas at night. Sometimes syndicates still refused to listen.
One minute he's safe in his room, the next minute his hand is gripping against his blade at the slightest noise within his apartment.

W Corp
Come out.
One would normally consider themselves dead if the average person saw the eyes that greeted Duo.
There were enough horrors in his job, so he did not feel afraid.
Not even when face-to-face with one of the Blade Lineage's most skilled mentors alive.

W Corp
You're here.

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
Yes. I am.
Kim sits, right on the edge of the bed. Duo gets up, finding no use to rest anymore.

W Corp
For what reason?

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
I must inform you that my students and I...will be departing soon.

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
Headed towards a path to greatness. Or so they say.

W Corp
A path to what? No, don't tell me...
They already knew what was going to happen. And Duo did not like that he knew.

W Corp
You got an invitation.

W Corp
Please tell me I'm wrong.
The silence is deafening. Too deafening to prove him wrong. Kim turns his head towards the moonlight. His face still cannot be seen.

W Corp
Oh, no. No. You're not going there. I won't let you.

W Corp
Haven't you heard about what happens?! Fixers more capable than us never returned! There's no chance for your survival if you leave-!

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
Life itself is a game of chance, Duo. The knowledge it carries is vast.

W Corp
But is it worth your life?!

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
Any risk is better than remaining here for much longer!
Kim raises his voice, standing up from his place. It was highly unlike him to use his words for so long.
Duo knew that much. To him, it was jarring to see it happen at all.

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
This decision has been long set. I am merely here to say goodbye.
This lonely master turns around, but it only takes a single step until Duo tries to protest again.

W Corp
Please stay.
The mentor stops. His fist clenches, reluctant to leave. Reluctant to stay.

W Corp
You were the only person I looked forward to seeing, every time I went home.

W Corp
If you leave, I'll never fight anyone in these streets again.
A bad idea, he knows for sure. If Duo really does live up to that vow, he'll meet his end soon.
There wasn't anything Kim could say that could bring comfort. A formidable opponent, the only one he wants to fight, and he's leaving him.

W Corp

Bamboo-Hatted Kim
Blade Lineage
Forgive me. I will come back with time.
'With time.' He vowed, and that's when he took his leave at last.
Duo couldn't say anything. It's as if Kim's confidence was far beyond reasoning. Arguing was pointless; His confession was heard.
Just because it was understood did not mean it could sway. He will have to spend the next days knowing someone he respected—Loved—may never, ever come back.
Both of them were opposing forces that lived up to their jobs, even with different goals.
There was one last thought Duo could ponder about forever, for the rest of the night.

W Corp
If he disappears for too long, I'll have to follow and find my way to him.
At least then, they won't have to be separated anymore.